Tag: docker
docker buildkit on Linux (Ubuntu)
export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 Now, my containers are running with: instead of: ref: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu OS requirements To install Docker Engine, you need the 64-bit version of one of these Ubuntu versions: Docker Engine for Ubuntu is compatible with x86_64 (or amd64), armhf, arm64, s390x, and ppc64le (ppc64el) architectures. Uninstall old versions Before you can install Docker Engine,…
xdebug + vscode + docker
Install xdebug (Dockerfile example) Path map the config file via a bind mount: (You can figure out which config etc is loaded by using xdebug_info(); PHP function) Create ./xdebug-cm/xdebug.ini: launch.json needs pathMappings: Note that the pathMappings (/var/www/html/) refer to the DirectoryIndex in the Docker container!
Notes on Docker development and speed on Apple Silicon platforms
Apple builds on linux/arm64/v8, however, Linux production clusters run linux/amd64 This means you can’t save an image from Apple Silicon and push it to the cloud. A “fix” is to export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/arm64/v8, however this will make containers insanely slow on development Apple Silicon, so do not this globally (in ~/.zprofile). You want images to be…
Import SQL directly to docker DB container
Dockerfile for WP+DB+PMA (aka this blog) w/ NGINX Reverse Proxy
Apache Reverse Proxy (WP works)
First a2enmod headers proxy proxy_http In this example we’re using port 8000
Export and migrate Docker volumes
Create tarball in the container: docker exec -it devmajn-docker-db-1 tar cvf ./omega.tar /var/lib/mysql Copy from container to local machine: docker cp devmajn-docker-db-1:/omega.tar .
Set default docker platform for Apple Silicon
in ~/.zprofile (or equivalent) This enables all images built on Apple Silicon to run natively on Linux machines, ie. Ubuntu